

Friday, December 14, 2007

The Perfect Tree

This year I tried to buy an artificial tree. Really, I did! However, after browsing through the Internet and visiting Lowe's, Home Depot, Hobby Lobby, Target, and other stores I just couldn't do it. True the ones I oogled after cost more than I wanted to spend, but all and all I just couldn't tarnish the image in my mind of Christmas past, the wonderful scent of pine, and the look of a not too perfect holiday tree. Perhaps it is the fact that I live where the weather is cold and snowy and evergreens are plentiful or maybe it is just the adventure of driving to the tree farm, walking in the snow with saw in hand, and the arduous task of chopping down your own Christmas tree and hauling it back home. I call it part of the Christmas spirit and tradition; a feeling of holiday magic.

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