

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Thoughts of Spring

You ever watch those movies where two explorers are out at the ends of the earth, like the South Pole, and the winds are blowing, and the temperature with wind chill is about -35 below? I can now sympathize with these explorers. Not at the South Pole, but right here in the southwest corner of Michigan. It is brutal outside. Even my dog, a shephered-chow mix, refuses to go outside. Winds have been blowing continously at 20 to 30 mph since last night and the temperature has dropped from 10 to 2 degrees in just 2 hours. This seesaw of weather can leave one depressed and wanting nothing more than a cup of hot cocoa and a nap.
To a creative artist it does give you the opportunity of burying oneself in their work. The variety of colored fabrics, paints, and photos can transform any dark, dreary, and cold winter day into thoughts of spring. The photo above, taken during a walk in the woods with my dog, acts as inspiration and can be just the thing to get those creative juices flowing again. Mother Nature is never boring, but sometimes we grow too impatient with her.

1 comment:

Kim Carney said...

My favorite days here are when we were "snowed" in and I stayed in thick socks, with a fire going in case the electricity went out and did work on some art ... free of guilt or phone calls. It was heaven!